Music Lesson Sale Ends Today

Music lesson rates and discounts
Trial music lessons at McMusic Lessons & Performances
Music Lesson enrollment comes with a trial music lesson before final purchase. Click to register and take advantage of the lowest rates ever offered by composer, musician, and music teacher Kevin M McClain

Take advantage of the music lesson sale at McMusic Lessons & Performances before it ends. New and Current students can purchase guitar and piano lessons with discounts from 20% to 40% off for qualifying music lesson enrollment of a single music lesson, monthly prepaid enrollment, or quarterly prepaid enrollment. The lower rates for any prepaid lesson period can be maintained for as long as enrollment is continued. An additional month is included with the first prepayment to begin a prepaid cycle with each following prepayment due on the first of the prepaid lesson period’s last month to maintain the prepaid cycle. Learn from an educated guitarist, pianist, and composer. It’s more than your commercial music lessons…

Hear some of Kevin M McClain’s original works in a variety of styles.