New Music Lesson Rates in Crestwood, IL

New Music Lesson Rates at McMusic Lessons & Performances.
Music lessons on the guitar, piano, ukulele, and voice at home or in-studio.

New music lesson rates at McMusic Lessons & Performances are available with options to pay as you go or prepay for discounts. Learn how to play the guitar, piano, ukulele, or take voice instruction at home or in studio with music teachers in Crestwood, IL. Remote learning is available to any location with additional discounts. Music lessons are provided for children and adults. The new music lessons rates range from $20 – $55 a lesson based on the amount of time purchased and the location of the lesson. Pay As You Go before committing to extended periods of enrollment for additional savings. Click the image to the upper-right to pick a lesson plan that suits your needs. Click the image to the right to register for a quote on a lesson plan of choice.

Music teacher at McMusic Lessons & Performances
Register for a quote on music lessons or performances

Watch the music teachers in Crestwood, IL. perform in various styles and genre. Primarily studying classical and jazz in college, the music teachers majored in theory and composition. As composers and song writers they studied the guitar, piano, flute, violin, mondolin, ukulele and more to gain various perspectives on the physicality of learning multiple instruments. The husband and wife duet have been playing a melting pot of different styles and genres of music to provide lessons and performances suited for any level of study or preference of style. Watch their performance from the recent mothers day stream below.

Watch music teachers in Crestwood, IL perform in an act called Hooked on Mother’s Day 2021. The teachers stream improvised performances inspired by the themes and melodies of favorite songs and some original music. Hear more styles and genres at McMusic Lessons on Youtube
New music lesson rates for music lessons in Crestwood, IL. at McMusic Lessons & Performances
Click here to find more information on bookings and options. Choose between standard, improvise, or customized setlist and unique arrangements in any style or genre.