Piano Lessons Online at McMusic Lessons

Piano lessons online at McMusic Lessons & Performances
Click the image to register for a phone consultation to discuss piano lessons online at McMusic Lessons & Performances

Piano lessons online are available for children and adults at McMusic Lessons & Performances. Pay as you go or prepay for discounted rates. The piano teachers provide professional quality sound and video to ensure clarity and understanding within a remote learning environment.

The music instructors have had more than 10 years experience with online and remote learning. They provide clarity and sound quality far above that of local school districts, whom have had only recent limited experience implementing remote learning technology. With the proper equipment the online music lessons can even be more effective than lessons in person. This is because the online environment demands more focus of children and adults. This works to the benefit of progress and understanding. Despite popular stigma about online music lessons, they have actually shown to be more productive in long-term results. Click below to watch a video that shows one of the overhead views provided for students. Though the video does have a filter darkening the frame, one can easily see the finger patterns and notes. The overhead view of the piano sometimes provides even more detail than one could view in person, short of getting in very awkward positions. With piano lessons online you can review detailed examples while remaining in a comfortable and productive position.

Piano Lessons Online Include Customized Video Examples of Songs and Exercise.

Click here to learn more about music lessons on the guitar, piano, ukulele, or voice at home or in-studio at McMusic Lessons & Performances

In addition to the live video chat sessions, customized video examples of songs and exercises assist students with practice at home. The videos address specific strengths and weaknesses of each individual student. They provide the utmost efficiency in ensuring progress from week to week. Parents are provided with online student profiles to easily manage lesson and billing history. Practice outlines are also emailed after each lesson. The music teachers attacked the learning process from every angle to ensure a healthy practice routine and steady

The music teachers provide the most optimal viewing angles. Though the video above has a filter on it, one can still easily see hand positions and finger patterns with piano lessons online.