Video Chat Piano Instructor

Video chat piano instructor provides a trial lesson before purchase. Receive custom videos that guide practice between lessons. Experience piano lessons at home without the additional costs of a house call. Take the trial piano lesson at no cost with options to continue on a pay-as-you-go basis. Prepaid discounted rates are also available. Rates are based on the amount of time purchased. Discounts are available for as low as $20 a lesson with qualifying enrollment.

Video chat piano instructor at McMusic Lessons
Click the image above to schedule a phone or video conference with the piano teacher to discuss musical goals and availability for a trial lesson. Trial lessons are subject to availability. Register today.

Begin learning to play the piano at home without the additional costs of a house call piano teacher. The video chat piano instructor has been studying the piano for sixteen years. He provides beginning to advanced piano lessons for children and adults. Scroll down to watch video examples for the lessons and performances. Visit to learn more music lessons on the guitar or piano.

Click the video above to watch an except from an example of an online piano lesson for beginners.

Click the video below watch the piano instructor play an excerpt from Chopin’s “Raindrop Prelude”

“Raindrop Prelude” by Chopin performed by piano teacher at McMusic Lessons