Remote Music Lessons for Adults

music lessons at home, in-studio, or online
Remote music lessons for adults at McMusic Lessons
Click here to schedule a phone or video conference with the music teacher to discuss musical goals and availability for a trial lesson at no cost. No payment information is required to register.

Remote music lessons for adults are available at McMusic Lessons. Schedule a trial lesson before purchase. Live video chat with an educated music instructor. Options to continue are available on a pay-as-you-go basis. Discounts are provided for prepaid lesson periods. Enroll in monthly or quarterly discounted prepaid lesson plans to save up to 20% on costs. Rates are based on the amount of time purchased with costs as low as $20 a lesson. Trial lessons and all lesson plans are subject to availability at the time of request. No time slots are available now. Click the image to the right to schedule your trial lesson. Visit to learn more about different options and features.

Remote music lessons for adults on the guitar, piano, or ukulele.

Begin learning how to play the guitar, piano, ukulele, or take for his lessons in the comfort of your own home with music teachers on Skype. Custom video examples of songs and exercises follow each lesson. The custom videos speak to the specific strengths and weaknesses of each individual student. Click on the video below to see an example of excerpts from different videos we have designed for our students.

Watch excerpts from custom videos that follow each online music lesson.