Remote Piano Lessons for Children

Remote piano lessons for children are available at McMusic Lessons & Performances
Click the image to schedule a phone or video consultation to discuss remote piano lessons for children with online piano teachers at McMusic Lessons & Performances.

Remote piano lessons for children begin with a trial lesson before purchase. Pay as you go or prepay prepay for discounted rates with Contiued enrollment. Receive custom video reviews after each lesson. The custom videos speak to each individual students strengths and weaknesses. Parents are provided with online student profiles to manage accounts, schedules, payments, and track progress. Register for a video conference with the online piano teachers at McMusic Lessons & Performances. No payment information is required to register. Discuss musical goals and availability before purchase. Pay-as-you-go time slots are in limited availability. Availability is provided on a first-come first-serve basis. Click the image in the upper right to register while time slots are still available.

See an example of the online piano lessons below

Watch an example of the custom videos that follow each remote piano lesson at McMusic Lessons.
Online piano lessons at McMusic Lessons & Performances include customized video examples of songs and exercises that ensures progress.
Online piano lessons for children include detailed lesson reviews, step-by-step practice outlines, and customized video examples of songs in exercises to assist students with practice and ensure progress.